Friday, August 6, 2010

And So It Begins

I'm excited to begin this new blog.  "Enchanted Inkdom" is what I hope to attain in this space, not a promise that I'm making!  My hope is to connect with other writers as I chronicle through this path of fiction writing.  Truthfully, I believe that we are all writers as Julia Cameron says, but I'm also a bit scared.  I write professional reports exceedingly well, I revise others' work often, I've judged writing contests for others and I've published non-fiction material.  However, I have not shared my creative writing.  It's a daunting thought to put myself out there.  So here I am, perhaps a bit of the cowardly lion peering into the blogworld behind a pseudonym.  However, I am anxious to see what bubbles up and looking forward to meeting & sharing with others!


  1. Thank you for stopping by my blog and commenting/following... I am now following yours and look forward to reading some of your future stuff. Good luck on the new blog!
    All the best,

  2. Welcome Kaelin, from one newbie blogger to another. I just started blogging since June and I'm learning a lot in the blogging world. Looking forward to reading some of your posts. Maybe I might pick up a few creating writing tips along the way.

  3. Thanks for the kind comments & thanks for coming by ~ I'll be visiting soon!

  4. So glad you came by ~ I love both your blogs!

  5. following back! Good luck on your new blog!
