Sunday, August 8, 2010

Write What You Know

"Write what you know"...professors always said this in my creative writing classes.  I remember thinking "well, that will be boring!"  I believe that I took this phrase too literally and it's taken age and experience to comprehend that this "simple" statement is actually more full-bodied than what's on the surface. 
Writing what you know means using an authentic voice, doing the research on those topics that can be researched, knowing the back story and believing in your story.  Writing what you know also means understanding your genre so Read, Read, Read.  Finally, writing what you know provides an incentive to get away from the computer, put the book down and LIVE.  We have to soak up our experiences, dare to try something new and observe all that is around us to "prime the pump" of creativity.
Would love to hear what you think!


  1. Your blog is so pretty!

    Thank you so much for linking up to SSS!
    We loved having you visit!
    I am now a proud member of your blog.

    Lucas's Journey with Sensory Processing Disorder

  2. Hi Missy ~ Thanks for following! I'll be adding your button soon for your blog hop.

  3. I'm now a new follower from the Sunday blog hop. I completely agree with you...we need to experience life first and then write about it. That's how our voice becomes authentic and believable. Have a great weekend.

  4. i've heard this a lot too. and believe that your writing will be most convincing when spawned from what you know.

  5. Thanks for commenting & following!

  6. Hello! New reader here :). Please follow me back at The Nutritionist Reviews and Giveaways:

    Looking forward to reading more from you!

  7. Great advice! :) And I look forward to reading more of what you write.

    Following from the Sunday Summer Social. :)

  8. I love this post! I always try to write what I know...but explaining it correctly so that everyone can get EXACTLY what's running through my that's a different story!

  9. Yes ~ those are the diamonds! As writers I would think we are great communicators but sometimes all those thoughts swirling around are hard to express in concrete terms!

  10. I've stumble upon your blog through the Lady Blogger's Tea Party, and I'm staying. I'm also a fiction writer, writing my second fiction book-in Spanish for it's my native language- I blog to improve and excersise my writing and muses, keep them busy. To see life as a writer will do, all the time! Life is a great on going story, and its true, like you said, that from there we learn experiences that will help us in developing our stories. Reading and life are a perfect combination for a writer to improve his/her craft. You and your blog are a breath of fresh air for I thought I was the only one who took blogging as a way of improving my writing and excersing the muses. You made me a follower, good to meet you.


  11. Hi Alexandra - Good to meet you too! Glad you stopped by. I'm finding more kindred spirits out there so we're not alone:)

  12. Write what you know-- you gave some great insight to this common phrase. For me, that would simply mean to write about what makes my heart feel complete.

    I am your newest follower from the blog hop.

    If you get the chance, would love for you to come visit me at my blog!

    Critique of the Unique
